fibertime™ means freedom

Uncapped 100mbps fiber for R5 per day. No contracts. No debit orders. Just fast, reliable internet when you need it.

What is

fibertime™ is uncapped 100mbps fiber for R5 per day.

We build and sell fiber internet in townships.

We put fiber in every home, every shack, every dwelling, in the township, and we sell daily vouchers so that you can pay-as-you-go rather than be forced to pay upfront for the month.

We provide a gateway to the digital world, bringing the educational, economic and entertainment power of the internet to townships.

We are not:

benefit icon


too expensive

benefit icon


too slow, too unreliable

benefit icon

Debit orders

no payslip, no bank statements

fibertime phone
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Map of South Africa

Where is

You will know when fibertime™ arrives in your community because we will knock on your door. We install a free router, with fiber, in every single home in the community. 

We‘re bringing fibertime™ to every home in every township. We’re moving as fast as we can. Please wait for us!

Who is fibertime™?

We are a motley crew that share a common purpose: Make the world a better place by connecting everyone to fast, affordable internet..
Alan Knott-Craig

Our Directors

Lucia Swartz

Our Directors

Pieter Venter

Our Directors

Jonathan Heinamann

Our Directors

William Marshall-Smith
Niklas Simola

Our Directors

Magnus Rademeyer

Our Directors

Chris Meintjes

Our Directors

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About fibertime™

In 2010 our founder was watching his daughter playing on a tablet, surfing the internet, learning in front of his eyes, when he realised it’s just not right. His daughter already has books and will go to a decent school, and, on top of all of these advantages, she has unfettered access to the internet, opening up an infinite world of learning and opportunity. 

Meanwhile, just down the road in Kayamandi township, Stellenbosch, South Africa, not only do the kids not have books or decent schools, but they also don’t have affordable access to the internet. 

In today’s fast-paced digital world, lack of internet access not only locks people out of the digital economy, but it limits their natural capacity to self-determine their destiny. 

You don’t have a fair shot in life. You’re being left behind.

We can’t give books to everyone, and we can’t fix all the schools, but we, at fibertime™, can try bring uncapped internet to everyone, especially families living in townships. Townships are synonymous with hopelessness and hardships, unrealised dreams and forgotten promises. 

Uncapped internet in townships is not only a gateway to opportunity, it is an escape from reality and a promise of a brighter future.

That was the genesis of fibertime™: Connecting everyone to affordable fast uncapped internet, giving everyone a fair shot, leaving no one behind.